
Our Restoration Plan

The purpose of the Pourewa Valley Restoration Plan is to implement the vision and key restoration actions of the Pourewa Valley Integrated Plan.


The Pourewa Valley has been divided into 12 management units (MU’s), and information on vegetation types, baseline water quality results, and pest plant & animal type, extent and threat status has been captured for each MU.


Existing and proposed control methods for pest plants & animals, and planting schedules are outlined for each MU.


A set of criteria has been developed and applied by a restoration working group of Nga Kaitiaki Hapori o Pourewa, to prioritise the order in which restoration is progressed in management units (MU) across the Pourewa Valley.


This will allow restoration work to be undertaken at a landscape scale, and in a coordinated way across the Pourewa Valley, with volunteer effort and eco contractor services complementing each other.


The Restoration Plan has been developed with funding from the Auckland Council Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Grant.



Chapters 1 to 7

Chapter 8.2 Waka Kotahi

Chapter 8.3 Kiwi Rail

Chapter 8.4 St Johns Bush

Chapter 8.5 Rutherford Reserve

Chapter 8.6 Selwyn Bush and Park

Chapter 8.7 Kepa Bush

Chapter 8.8 Te Pourewa

Chapter 8.9 Ngapipi Reserve

Chapter 8.10 Paratai Reserve

Chapter 8.11 Purewa Cemetery

Chapter 8.12 Tahapa East Reserve

Chapter 8.13 Tahapa Reserve

Chapters 9 to 11

Appendix 1


The following map shows the each Management Unit, and links to the relevant chapters of the Restoration Plan.

Main Map

Friends of Kepa Bush: Mark Eller friendsofkepabush@gmail.com


Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei: Levi Watene

Pourewa Restoration Group: Martin Heffer pourewa.restoration@xtra.co.nz

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Eastern Bays Songbird Project: Michelle Brinsden michelle@songbird.org.nz

Eastern Bays Songbird Project: Michelle Brinsden michelle@songbird.org.nz

Eastern Bays Songbird Michelle Brinsden

Eastern Bays Songbird Michelle Brinsden

Eastern Bays Songbird Michelle Brinsden

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury

Pourewa Field Officer: Turfa Chowdhury